Find out how you could get a tax refund whilst working from home. How much can I get? Where these conditions are met, the employee can receive up to £6 per week from their employer without having to provide supporting evidence for the cost. The costs covered by these payments include the extra cost of:… Read more »
Posts Tagged: back
Can Evolution and Innovation Reduce Tax?
Could you be missing out on tax relief by misinterpreting Evolution and Innovation? Are we Innovators? If you ask most business owners if their business is at the forefront of innovation they will probably say no. However, if you ask them whether the business has kept up with the market trends to keep commercially viable,… Read more »
Self-Employment Grant Two
Find out about the next Self-employment Support Grant. What Is It? The Chancellor has announced a second grant for eligible self-employed people affected by Coronavirus. This will cover the period from June to August. The Chancellor also announced that this will be the LAST grant the government will give to people. Of the 3.5 million… Read more »