Tax Savings For Employees And Directors


6 Things You Need To Know

1. Season ticket loan

If you are a commuter, you can ask your employer if they can give you a tax-free loan to buy your season ticket.

2. Pool cars

Use a pool car for occasional business travel if your employer provides these.

3. Childcare schemes and tax credits

Ask your employer if they have a salary sacrifice childcare schemes. These are easy to establish and can result in substantial savings for both you and your employer

4. Company car

It’s worth considering to take a cash equivalent in pay instead of a company car if you are entitled to one as this might be more tax-efficient.

5. Going green

Consider a low-emissions model if you are changing your company car. These cars are now taxed at lower percentage of their price list than cars with high CO2 rating.

6. Pay in to a pension

The contributions to your employer’s pension scheme can be made from your gross pay, before any tax is charged.