Posts Tagged: Workplace Pensions

End of year tax tips!

(9 Minute Read) Key tax information to help you get planning before 5th April 2021. Income Tax. Personal Savings Allowance (PSA) means that the first £1,000 of interest on savings is tax free for standard rate payers. For higher rate tax payers the allowance is £500, and for additional rate payers there is no allowance. The… Read more »

Tax Efficient Pensions

(4 Minute Read) Key information on pension contributions! What is it? If you are a UK taxpayer you can get tax relief on pension contributions of up to 100% of you earnings, or £40,000 whichever is lower. This means that some money that would otherwise go the tax man will instead go to your pension… Read more »

Monster Charges

And so it starts, the persecution, prosecution and penalties for Small Businesses as the Regulator confirms there has been a considerable increase in the number of compliance notices issue; with some small firms failing to get their affairs in order until they were issued a fixed penalty notice of £400. When they rolled out the… Read more »