Find out how you could get a tax refund whilst working from home. How much can I get? Where these conditions are met, the employee can receive up to £6 per week from their employer without having to provide supporting evidence for the cost. The costs covered by these payments include the extra cost of:… Read more »
Posts Tagged: home
FHL Capital Allowances
Find out about how FHLs work for tax purposes in our tax tip. What is it? Over the past few years, Airbnb has become an essential part of the holiday industry. The way Airbnb works it that the property owner can rent out their property, or even just a room, on a short-term basis. Many… Read more »
Tax Relief When Working From Home
HMRC allows some generous tax reliefs for both employees and the self employed who are working from home. If you are working from home, then you may be entitled to claim tax relief. This is restricted to the purchase of items “wholly, exclusively and necessarily” for work. This may include: The additional cost of gas… Read more »
Tax Allowances When working From Home
The amount you can claim when you work from home depends on several conditions. The general tax rule is that deductions are only allowable where the expense has been incurred wholly and exclusively for work. This means that the tax relief can only be allowed for; The additional cost of gas and electricity… Read more »